We hope that you are all feeling calm, safe and well, We are all thinking of you at this time and would like to reassure you of a few things:
1, As per state and federal health ministers confirmation, all allied health services are encouraged to continue business as usual. At this stage our Practice is consulting during our normal hours and we are offering all our daily services.
2. We are being extra vigilant with our standard hygiene practices and are monitoring all official government websites and directives to stay compliant with national and state recommendation.
3. We are monitoring all official government websites and directives to stay compliant with national and state recommendations
4. We will notify you immediately if changes to your care need to be made
5. If at any stage any of our staff are known to be at all unwell they will be taking voluntary time away from the building.
6.To ensure social distancing requirements are met patients will be seated 1.5m apart where cushions will be places between patients located on the seats. We will move patients around as best as possible to accomodate.
7.If you or anyone in your family are known to be suffering flu like symptoms, please stay at home, and we will do everything possible to reschedule your appointment for a time when you know yourself to be well.
In these times of challenge and uncertainty we encourage you to remember to look after yourself and to keep your immune system strong. Remember to breathe consciously and take some quiet time out for yourself if available to you. Nourish your insides with good foods and plenty of water. Most importantly look after your friends and family and remember to support each other.
Thanks for your support and understanding.
All the best in health and happiness,
Dr Ian and the entire staff of Chiropractic Excellence